Der Kongress in San Francisco war mit 50 Teilnehmern bei jeder unserer Veranstaltungen ein Erfolg. Es war ein kleiner Kongress mit überwiegend nordamerikanischen Teilnehmern, die sich über das Sammeln von Exlibris informieren wollten. Es ist schade, dass die Europäer nicht teilnehmen konnten, da ihr Einfluss den Austausch in der Zukunft fördern würde
Im Mittelpunkt unseres Treffens stand passenderweise die bedeutende zeitgenössische Buchkunst-bewegung, die heute in San Francisco im Gange ist. In der nächsten Woche werde ich Ihnen weitere Bilder zur Verfügung stellen.
Alle hatten viel Spaß, und die Ausstellungen, Vorträge und Empfänge waren außer-gewöhnlich. Selbst das mehrgängige Abschlussbankett in Yoshi’s Jazz Club am Jack London Square war köstlich!
XXXIX FISAE Ex Libris Congress
MinutesPlenary Meeting of Delegates
Waterfront Hotel, Jack London Square, Oakland, California
15th September, 10:00 a.m. local time
The President of FISAE, James P. Keenan presiding
1. Opening of the meeting
Meeting was opened by FISAE president James P. Keenan at 10.00
2. Delegations in Attendance
Exlibris Aboensis – Olli Ylönen
Suomen Exlibrisyhdistys – Olli Ylönen
ASBC&D – James P. Keenan
New Australian Bookplate Society – Andrew J. Peake
Mexico – James P. Keenan
Greece Theogony – Gianna Alexopoulou
Austrian and German Associations submitted their votes via email
3. Report on the XXXIX FISAE Congress
Meetings and exchanges were held at the Regatta Room, Waterfront Hotel, Jack London Square, Oakland, California. There were no less than 50 people attending every event of this global meeting.
Monday, September 12th, 2022. The Opening of The Tribute to George Steiner. An International Bookplate Competition exhibition presented at the Book Club of California, 312 Sutter Street, San Francisco (12.9.2022-12.12.2022). Juried exhibition of the top 30 artists representing 27 countries. 350 original print entries, 70 artists from 27 countries.
Gianna Alexopoulou won 1st prize.
Talk presented by William E. Butler. Bookplate Collecting in America.
Tuesday, September 13th, 2022. The Opening of the Exhibition of Contemporary Bookplates 2020-2022 – Ex Libris: The Art of Contemporary World Bookplates presented at the American Bookbinders Museum, 355 Clementina Street, San Francisco (10.9.2022-30.12.2022). A juried exhibition of 177 ex libris prints by 146 artists representing 33 countries.
Talk presented by Melissa Hacker. Marco Birnholz: A Life in Bookplates.
4. Keith Wingrove Memorial Trust Prizes
– First Prize – Deborah Chapman, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – Mezzotint – „Poseidon“ for George Steiner
– Second Prize – Marina Terauds, Michigan, USA – Etching – for Claudia Smukler
– Third Prize – Nurgul Arikan, Gokturk, Istanbul, Turkey – Computer Generated Design – for M. Omer Dedeoglu 1973
– Honorable Mention – Krzysztof Marek Bak, Bielsko-Biala, Poland – Computer Generated Design – „Jack London“ for KHB
– Honorable Mention – Oleg Dergachov – Etching – „Jack London“ for James P. Keenan
5. Banquet at Yoshi’s Restaurant and Jazz Club
Thursday, September 15th, 2022. Multi-course Banquet at Yoshi’s Restaurant and Jazz Club at 510 Embarcadero West, Jack London Square, Oakland, California.
6. Congress Publications
New Publications 2022
Tribute to George Steiner. An International Bookplate Competition. Cambridge Bookplate, 2022 (979-8-9860741-1-15).
Ex Libris: The Art of Contemporary World Bookplates. Cambridge Bookplate, 2022 (979-8-9860741-3-9).
Illustrated Essays on Bookplate Collecting. Revised edition. Cambridge Bookplate, 2022 (979-8-9860741-0-8).
Antioch Bookplate Company. Excerpts from the Autobiography of Ernest Morgan 1905-2000. Cambridge Bookplate, 2022 (979-8-9860741-2-2).
Additional Publications
American Bookplates, William E. Butler. Primrose Hill Press, London, 2000 (978-1-9016480-8-9)
7. Cancelled Congress 2020, report on the collection for FISAE website
No report received
8. Election of President of FISAE: Maria Casas Hierro
9. Election of First Vice President: James Keenan,
Second Vice President: Anthony Pincott
10. XL Congress (2024): majority vote for Palma de Mallorca
11. XLI Congress (2026): invitations not received
12. Election of FISAE Executive Secretary for a six year period. Without candidates
Olli Ylönen agreed to continue until 2024
13. FISAE Website
At the moment is registered, waiting for webmaster to be nominated
14. FISAE Certificates and Medals
Not introduced
15. FISAE rules review
Olli Ylönen calls a group to review the rules
16. Any other business
No other business