Martignoni, Silvana

Silvana Martignoni

Via XX Settembre, 14 
Busto Arsizio 21052 

Tel./Fax +39 0331322997 +39 3383961823

Skype Tino.Pane 

Silvana Martignoni was born in Busto Arsizio. She attended the Art High School and the Brera Academy of Fine Arts (Milan), in 1980, with her final thesis on the “visionary” poet and engraver William Blake. In the early years of her artistic activity she focused on the purest engraving techniques (drypoint, mezzotint, etching). She immediately undertook research on plant form, expressed with contemporary attention. Her prints represent transfigured icons, the result of experiences in nature observed and of abstraction that are mixed in the persistence of memory. She has a passion for mezzotint, an ancient technique that lends itself to her design,   subtle, strong and decisive , enriched in tonal values ​​close to painting. Recently Silvana comes  into contact with the world of the “ex libris”, which she appreciates for its historical, literary and poetic content.

Main Public collections:
Fundaciò Joan Mirò, Barcelona, Spain.
Raccolta Stampe Fondazione Sartori, Mantova, Italy.
Pratt Museum, New York, U.S.A.
Gabinetto delle Stampe, Bagnacavallo (RA), Italy.
Collezione Grafica ed Ex Libris, Casale Monferrato Italy.
Museum of Fine Arts, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Collection AMAC; Chamalières, France.
Fondazione Rotary Club, Acqui Terme, Italy.
Collezione Stampe del Museo Civico, Cremona, Italy.
Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum & Exlibrissamling, Denmark.
Art Museum of Guangzhou, China.
Collezione Museo Palazzo Marliani Cicogna, Busto Arsizio, Italy. 
China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, China.

Memberships in artistic organizations: 
The International Mezzotint Society, Miami Florida, U.S.A.
Associazione Nazionale Incisori Contemporanei, Montebelluna (TV), Italy.
AIE Associazione Italiana Ex Libris, Milano, Italy.
Association française pour la connaissance de l’ex-libris (AFCEL) – Saint Mihiel.
Deutsche Exlibris-Gesellschaft e.V. (DEG). 

Sphere of artistic interests: 
Starting from the early years of my artistic activity I focused my interest on the purest engraving techniques (drypoint, mezzotint, etching) and black and white drawings. In the recent years my language approaches painting too, embarking on a search based on colour and brightness in the splendor of the natural world. I paint stories in pearl colours with a technique of thin glazes which contributes to the realization of an intense dreamy effect.
However the  intaglio printing, and particularly the mezzotint, corresponds to my main sphere of interest. 

Experience in mezzotint: 
Since the 80’s I started working on mezzatinta when it was generally an adandoned technique. I have always used the traditional method of graining by rocker only, without resorting to gimmicks  like aquatint or graining by mechanics or worst by immersion of iron plates in acid.
The effect of black velvet, so elegant and refined, can only be achieved with the purity of the plot drawn from the rocker. 

Artistic credo: 
My works are inspired by a research on the nature, seen through a contemporary attention. I love inventing some unusual landscapes bringing together the different vegetable worlds, or engraving some transfigured natural forms, the result of the experiences related to the observation of nature and abstraction, which are mixed in the persistence of the memory.
The techniques that I particularly love are the mezzotint and the drypoint. The first one is very complex and difficult but allows you to achieve the emotional impact, full of passion and preciousness. The second one translates into soft signs an analytical love for detail and processing poetically felt.
However I do not neglect the etching, my starting technique and the focal point for any artist who will devote himself to the art of engraving. 

Awards and recognition:
2018  winner ”Excellent work” 2nd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale (JMB) 2018 Yogyakarta,  Indonesia. 
2018  2nd prize, 9th International  Small Graphic Art, Gdańsk Community Foundation,  Poland.
2018  1st prize,  “9° Concorso Internazionale ex libris “Biblioteca di Bodio Lomnago”,Varese, Italy.
2017  2nd prize, Concorso Internazionale Exlibris “Il Bosco Stregato” , Bosia, Italia.
2017  “The Third Exlibris Expo Exchange in Chang Zhou Wu Jin Exlibris Museum”,   Cina: awarded“Excellent Exlibris”.
2017  “VIII Bienal Internacional de Ex-Libris Contratalla dedicados al vin”, Tarragona, Spain: awarded “mencione onorifica”.
2016   “4th Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini – Prints Biennial 2016”, Chinaawarded “Excellent Mini – Prints” – awarded “Excellent Exlibris”.
2016  Concurso Internacional de EX-Libris del Quijote, Tarragona, Spain, awarded “mencione onorifica”.
2016  “Chang Zhou Wu Jin The Second Exlibris Expo Exchange”,China: awarded   “Excellent Exlibris”.
2016  winner ”Excellence work” 2nd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale (JMB) 2016” Yogyakarta,  Indonesia. 
2015  “Chang Zhou Wu Jin The 1st International Prints & Exlibris EXPO”, China: awarded “Excellent Exlibris”.
2014  3rd prize, 7° Concorso Internazionale ex libris “Biblioteca di Bodio Lomnago”, Varese, Italy.
2013  3rd prize (bronze) “Ju Qi Cup” The 1st International Prints & Exlibris EXPO  ”  Shanghai, China.
1983  Grand Prix“ XXII edition the Joan Mirò International Drawing Award”,  the Fundaciò   Joan Mirò in Barcellona, Spain.
1982  2nd prize  XIII edizione del Premio Diomira di disegno, Milan, Italy. 

Major Ex Libris awards:
2013   “Ju Qi Cup, The 1st International Prints & Exlibris EXPO ”  Shanghai, China: awarded “Bronze prize”.
2014    “7° Concorso Internazionale ex libris Biblioteca di Bodio Lomnago”, Varese, Italy: awarded “ 3rd prize and honourable mention”.
2014    “The 3rd Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini print Biennial 2014”, China: awarded “Excellent Exlibris”.  
2014    ”The 8th International Exlibris Fu Xian Zhai, Shanghai”, China: awarded “Excellent Exlibris”. 
2015   “Chang Zhou Wu Jin,The 1st International Prints & Exlibris EXPO”, China: awarded “Excellent Exlibris”.
2016   “4th Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini – Prints Biennial 2016”, China:  awarded “Excellent Mini – Prints”, awarded “Excellent Exlibris”.
2016   “Concurso Internacional de EX-Libris del Quijote”, Tarragona, Spagna: awarded “mencione onorifica”.
2016  “Chang Zhou Wu Jin The Second Exlibris Expo Exchange”, China: awarded  “Excellent Exlibris”.
2017  “International Exlibris Competiotion The Enchanted Woods. The Jungle Book and The World of Disney “, Bosia, Italy – awarded 2nd prize.
2017  “The Third Exlibris Expo Exchange in Chang Zhou Wu Jin Exlibris Museum”, China: awarded “Excellent Exlibris”.
2017   “ VIII Contratalla International Biennial of Ex-Libris dedicated to wine”, Tarragona, Spain: awarded “mencione onorifica”.
2018   “9° Concorso Internazionale ex libris “Biblioteca di Bodio Lomnago”, Varese, Italy: 1st prize.
2018  2nd prize, 9th International  Ex libris and Small Graphic Art, Gdańsk, Community Foundation,  Poland. 

Recent Participation in major international graphic events:
2016   8th International Printmaking Biennial Douro 2016, Douro, Portugal.
2016  1ère Biennale Internationale de l’Estampe de Dreux, Dreux, France.
2016  16th International Biennial of Small Graphics and Exlibris – Ostrów Wielkopolski 2016,  Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland. 
2016   2nd International Exlibris Competition Varna 2016, Varna, Bulgaria.
2016   9thTriennial of Small Graphic Forms Vilnius 2016, Lithuania. 
2017   IX Rassegna Internazionale di Incisione -Il gesto segreto / The secret gesture –  Cremona 2017, Italy.
2017   3rd Global Print 2017, Douro, Portugal.
2017   10  ͤ Triennale Mondiale  de l’Estampe, 2017, Chamalières, France.
2017   XIII Biennale Internazionale per l’Incisione-Premio Acqui 2017, Acqui Terme (AL), Italy.
2017  Salon International del Gravure de Morhange 2017,  Morhange, France.
2017  Fourth International Mezzotint Festival, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
2017  16th International Triennial of SMALL GRAPHIC FORMS,  ŁÓDŹ 2017, Poland. 
2017  19th International Print  Biennial Varna 2017, Bulgaria.
2018  KLIMEX 18 Kuala Lumpur Miniprint Exhibition 2018, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2018  B.I.A.L. 2018, Saint-Mihiel Cité Bénédictine & Ville du Livre, France.
2018  IPPAS International Printmaking and Paper Art Show, Plaza Indonesia,  Kota Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia.
2018  Prism: Khoros -17 artists from Prism Print International, Clifford Chance Gallery Docklands, London, UK.
2019  “The Blue Rocker Project”, 28 artists supporting Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) Association’s campaign around the world.
2019  Fifth International Mezzotint Festival, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
2019  Ural Print Triennial, Ufa, Russia.
2019  PRINT & PRESENT,the group print exhibition of 6 winners of the 3rd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale (JIMB) 2018, Yogyakarta 55141, Indonesia.
2019  Prism 11, INOAC Namikidori Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
2020  Prism 12, Nordens Ljus Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden.
2020  The Wondering mind 2 – Chris and Zora’s new mezzotint friends, Gallery Épreuve d‘Artiste, Antwerp, Belgium.

Martignoni Exlibris-Werkliste

Exlibris für Zachary Wong, In the Storm, C7, 2018
Exlibris für Dirk Mattelaer, Hommage to Jan van Eyck, C3+C7, 2019
Un percorso per perdersi, maniera nera, 2013
Exlibris Biblioteca Bodio Lomnago 2017 2018, Gli occhi di Disney, C3+C7 a colori (2 lastre), 2017
Exlibris für Sigrid Tauber, Wölfe, C7, 2020
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